BANNED MEDIA MONTH #7: L'Origine du monde, by Gustave Courbet (1866)

BANNED MEDIA MONTH #7: L'Origine du monde, by Gustave Courbet (1866)

One of the most banned paintings in the world was considered so shocking, the original owner kept it hidden behind a curtain. It wasn't displayed publicly for over 100 years, and even today police sometimes confiscate books bearing its image. What could this painting be of to cause such intense reactions?

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BANNED MEDIA MONTH #2: Der Krieg, by Otto Dix (1924)

BANNED MEDIA MONTH #2: Der Krieg, by Otto Dix (1924)

When Otto Dix returned home from the Great War, he was haunted by recurring nightmares. While many German artists were focused on the glory of combat, Dix depicted its horrors.

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