HORROR MONTH #31: Mulholland Drive, by David Lynch (2001)

HORROR MONTH #31: Mulholland Drive, by David Lynch (2001)

If you like stories that are unsettling and disorienting, watch Mulholland Drive. If you enjoy movies that you have to think about, or even watch multiple times to understand, watch Mulholland Drive. If you like Darren Aronofsky movies, True Detective, Tim and Eric, or any of the other countless movies and TV shows that Mulholland Drive has influenced, watch Mulholland Drive.

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HORROR MONTH #26: Ginger Snaps, by John Fawcett (2000)

HORROR MONTH #26: Ginger Snaps, by John Fawcett (2000)

People change a lot as teenagers. It's just a matter of course that, as bodies develop and hormones start coursing, personalities shift as well. You may not have the same interests or hang out with the same people after you go through puberty, and to others you'll seem like an entirely new person. Or maybe, if you change enough, an entirely new creature.

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HORROR MONTH #7: Let the Right One In, by Tomas Alfredson (2008)

HORROR MONTH #7: Let the Right One In, by Tomas Alfredson (2008)

Bullied kids are the subjects of countless horror tales. Ever since Carrie debuted in 1978, writers have employed the tormented outcast as a monster that is both frightening and yet sympathetic.

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HORROR MONTH #1: Pulse, by Kiyoshi Kurosawa (2001)

HORROR MONTH #1: Pulse, by Kiyoshi Kurosawa (2001)

With technology now a near-inescapable part of most people's lives, you had to know horror movies were going to start looking at the ways all of these amazing gadgets might rob us of our humanity. Would you believe that one of the best horror films about technology comes from the distant year of 2001?

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